Integrated policy (based on ISO9001 and 14001)
The quality and environmental (integrated) policy is to create new values in cooperation with the client and maintain its property in accordance with, environmental requirements (incl. pollution prevention) effectively and sustainably. The Policy is available to interest groups at homepage. To this end, we undertake to continuously improve the integrated (quality and environmental) management system and process through monitoring and measurement by involving relevant interest groups (customers, owners, employees, suppliers, partners). The environmental and quality goals are established, and the results are regularly reviewed, and their effectiveness is evaluated, including sustainability and compliance obligations (at the level of the state and local government).
Social responsibility policy (based on ISO 26000)
The social responsibility policy is to create new values in cooperation with the client (considering interest groups) and maintain its property with proper professionalism and value result to ensure the sustainability of the product/service and environmental protection. To ensure social responsibility, we implement the company’s activities in line with continuous improvement and increasing sustainability. When operating, we ensure efficiency, occupational safety, reduce the impact of our activities on the environment, implement and use modern work methods and tools.
Occupational health and safety principle (based on the law)
Occupational health and safety (OHS) activities are regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. OHS activities in the company are managed by the employer. Control of compliance with legislation on OHS is within the competence of the Labor Inspectorate. When starting work and in any other required case, familiarization with the OHS guidelines is mandatory for all employees, regardless of their profession, qualification, and position. The purpose of the training is to provide employees with general knowledge of the organization of OHS activities in the company.